Debarred Firms

M/S. J M Baxi Ports and Logistics Pvt Ltd



Sr. No.

Name of Party


Reference of Tender

a. Across all Ministries / Department
b. By a Single Ministry / Department
c. For Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited only

Reason for Debarment


M/S. J M Baxi Ports and Logistics Pvt Ltd 8th Floor, 801-C Wing, Godrej Coliseum.,
Everard Nagar, Sion [East],
Mumbai – 400022
GEM/2024/B/5715640 dated 18.12.2024  For Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited only
12.03.2025 to 11.09.2025 M/s. J M Baxi Ports and Logistics Pvt Ltd had backed out of the tender after opening of Price Bid