Debarred Firms

M/S. Shree Krishna Stevedores Pvt Ltd



Sr. No.

Name of Party


Reference of Tender

a. Across all Ministries / Department
b. By a Single Ministry / Department
c. For Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited only

Reason for Debarment


 M/S. Shree Krishna Stevedores Pvt Ltd
 C-1/266, The Mazgaon Co-op Society Ltd.,
Barrister Nath Pai Marg
Mazgaon, Mumbai -400010

 NIT No. GEM/2024/B/5352181 dated 06.09.2024

 For Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited only
09.01.2025 to 08.07.2025 M/s. Shree Krishna Stevedores Pvt Ltd had backed out of the tender after opening of Price Bid